Yet, Microsoft's own implementation was open sourced in 2019 in the repo "microsoft/STL" and in the second line of the readme claims the C++ standard library be also known as STL and the readme continues to use the term STL to refer to the C++ standard library.
From --
"Microsoft's implementation of the C++ Standard Library is often referred to as the STL or Standard Template Library. Although C++ Standard Library is the official name of the library as defined in ISO 14882, due to the popular use of "STL" and "Standard Template Library" in search engines, we occasionally use those names to make it easier to find our documentation. From a historical perspective, "STL" originally referred to the Standard Template Library written by Alexander Stepanov. Parts of that library were standardized in the C++ Standard Library, along with the ISO C runtime library, parts of the Boost library, and other functionality. Sometimes "STL" is also used to refer to the containers and algorithms parts of the C++ Standard Library adapted from Stepanov's STL. In this documentation, Standard Template Library (STL) refers to the C++ Standard Library as a whole."
> the readme continues to use the term STL to refer to the C++ standard library.
Would not be the first time Microsoft were wrong about a standard.
STL is actually a subset of the full C++ standard library, which includes, for example, C headers.
The STL is the algorithms + data structures + utilities, which are templates.
From a dogmatic point of view, this might've been correct at some point in time. But, as the links from above clearly point out, most people use "STL" and "C++ standard library" interchangeably (including the very maintainers of one of the most populous C++ standard library implementations), without excluding certain parts of one or the other.
Interesting that their implementation is Apache 2.0 licensed, yet includes exceptions for LLVM and for GPLv2 licensed code/projects wrt patents.
Does anyone know if the library's quality is on par with the GNU or Clang libraries? Google has their own too, if memory serves. Is there an implementation deemed "the best"?
The license was explicitly chosen to enable code sharing with LLVM's libc++ (
The MSVC STL's quality is good enough for thousands of pieces of Windows software (including Windows itself & Microsoft's software such as Office) to depend and rely on. It delivers excellent performance for a broad range of use cases. It is actively developed in the open, delivering cutting-edge (C++23 & C++26) features, accepting Pull Requests and wonderfully documented on GitHub. It can be consumed using MSVC and LLVM clang-cl (which the MSVC STL maintainers test with CI infrastructure). The maintainers are actively working on "hardening" features to enable more secure C++ (
Unless you specify what "best" or "a library's quality" means to you, MSVC STL is excellent and because of that, the default choice on & for Windows.
Google chooses to only support libc++ for Chrome/Chromium ( libc++ is not a Google-owned project.
I certainly don’t think Microsoft can be used as a barometer for what is considered accurate or standardized with C++.