keiferski 5 days ago

This is a form of anti-intellectualism which is, for some reason, acceptable in technical circles. Probably because economic success gained by expertise in one field tends to make people think that expertise transfers to other fields. It’s a shame and the technology industry is worse off for it - especially as of late with all the half-baked philosophizing about AI.

damnitbuilds 5 days ago

Yes, the half in "Half-baked" is making long-winded assertions backed up with anecdotes not facts. [Editted]

It is anti-intellectual to blather on over pages and pages, trying to tell people how to live their lives without giving any information to show if ones statements are correct or not.

"Intellectual" is, for some reason, accepted in some circles as meaning longwinded unscientific musings, to which whole university departments are devoted. That does not mean it is not an utter waste of time and effort, that would be better spent on measuring things and giving advice that is actually shown to improve people's lives.

greg_V 5 days ago

The tech anti-intellectualism is different though. Like you see these kinds of posts that approach the subject as if no one ever has seriously studied it, and the tell is always that there's barely a scholarly work cited, but there's plenty of metaphors to describe how say, sociological phenomena work by way of "it's just like XY tech or business model."

Like I get the acclaim, if you're raised in this environment, the business tech vocab will feel more familiar. Is it a good / better way to describe the world than the established scientific field? No.

But reading the "Peasant and his body" by Bourdieu instead would not have the same... social coinage in tech as reading the influencer of the realm.