ZephyrBlu 5 days ago

Ignore and dismiss things like status as "wishy washy social ideas" at your own peril.

karamanolev 5 days ago

They might be referring just to the fact that it's difficult. I personally don't want to ignore them and I often don't. They're necessary and helpful in the real world, but that doesn't make it any easier.

aziaziazi 5 days ago

I double that and would add that they also commented on the form (length, links…) rather than the substance.

damnitbuilds 5 days ago

I have ignored and dismissed the pseudosciences of horoscopes and psychology all my happy life.

People who need and look for this sort of advice would be well-served if it was backed up with anything factual, and are badly served when it is not.

immibis 5 days ago

Dismissing psychology is one reason you don't run a popular social network.

owebmaster 5 days ago

I'm no specialist in horoscope pseudoscience but it has helped me with dating a few times tho