OuterVale 5 days ago

Also worth a mention is Wiby.

"The Wiby search engine is building a web of pages as it was in the earlier days of the internet."

It's main indexing requirements are:

- "Pages must be simple in design. Simple HTML, non-commerical sites are preferred."

- "Pages should not use much scripts/css for cosmetic effect. Some might squeak through."

- "Don't use ads that are intrusive (such as ads that appear overtop of content)."

- "Don't submit a page which serves primarily as a portal to other bloated websites."


lelanthran 5 days ago

This is most definitely not the same thing. The indexing requirements are not "This site must be an independent or personal site", it's "This site must lean towards being a plain HTTP document".

The Search My Site, from what I can tell, has the goal of surfacing personal/independent websites, while Wiby has the goal of surfacing minimally styled documents.

Two different goals.

codetrotter 5 days ago

> In the early days of the web, pages were made primarily by hobbyists, academics, and computer savvy people about subjects they were personally interested in. Later on, the web became saturated with commercial pages that overcrowded everything else. All the personalized websites are hidden among a pile of commercial pages.

> […]

> The Wiby search engine is building a web of pages as it was in the earlier days of the internet.


Sounds to me like Wiby is more similar to Search My Site than what your comment makes it sound like.

danlitt 5 days ago

I wonder if this is why they said "worth a mention" rather than "the same thing".

lelanthran 5 days ago

I dunno; something is worth a mention if it's in the same category being discussed. Wiby most certainly isn't.

danlitt 5 days ago

"alternative search engines"?

lelanthran 5 days ago

The title says, as of writing,

     for personal and independent websites
To my mind, that excludes things like Kagi, and Wiby, etc which would ordinarily be included if the title said

     alternative search engine

OuterVale 5 days ago

I'm certainly not presenting Wiby as being the same thing, merely as something that is worth a mention due to likely being of interest to anyone interested in Search My Site.

It is relevant and has vaguely aligned intent.

notachatbot123 5 days ago

And that is ok. It is still contextually relevant to some people and a nice project to boost.