forgetfreeman 6 days ago

Bosch dishwasher here. Zero network connectivity of any kind and washes dishes better than any other non-industrial dishwasher I've ever used. 10/10, would recommend, will buy again.

Arrowmaster 5 days ago

According to Wirecutter, they pulled Bosch from their recommendations after all the old models were pulled and this new line of WiFi connected dishwashers replaced them in 2023.

You would really purchase something based on past experience with the company, not caring about looking into the current state of what they are producing?

forgetfreeman 5 days ago

> You would really purchase something based on past experience with the company

Absolutely. Companies that make bullshit products very rarely get their act together, so why wouldn't brand loyalty be a thing when one encounters a quality product?

> after all the old models were pulled and this new line of WiFi connected dishwashers replaced them in 2023

That is news to me. If true my next dishwasher is going to be a Hobart from the used restaurant equipment shop up the way. Incidentally I just looked into it and Bosch claims that their HomeConnect enabled dishwashers function just fine with no internet connection, so there is that.

alpaca128 5 days ago

There is no customer loyalty, so with brand loyalty you're only ripping yourself off.

forgetfreeman 5 days ago

Only if brand quality actually declines. The idea that having found a good product one should then never purchase another product from the same manufacturer is bizarre.

bee_rider 5 days ago

> Bosch dishwasher here. Zero network connectivity of any kind

Absolutely bullshit. If you are a dishwasher without any network connectivity, how are you posting comments on the internet, Mr Bosch?

forgetfreeman 5 days ago

*makes unconvincing rinse cycle noises

fransje26 5 days ago

Which model are you using, for future reference?

forgetfreeman 5 days ago

It's an 8-9 year old 800 series dishwasher. So far it's outlived our previous two dishwashers combined lifetimes with zero issues.