mhh__ 1 day ago

Absolutely love this style of tool management. Why do we ever install anything?

Edit: consider also git bisect!

JTyQZSnP3cQGa8B 1 day ago

> Why do we ever install anything

To be able to reproduce all the procedures reliably, constantly, and without an internet connection. At least it's a requirement for my job and some other industries. Also because it's good to be serious about your job, and because reproducible builds is a nice thing to do.

mhh__ 1 day ago

This is more reproducible than most things people come up with ad-hoc, it insists upon the hash of the thing it downloads.

hiatus 1 day ago

This _does_ seem to "install" things to a DOTSLASH_CACHE dir though.[1] It seems similar to tools like nvm of pyenv but in this case can handle more than just a single target language. Pretty neat.


bityard 1 day ago

Well, it looks like you have to install DotSlash.

mhh__ 1 day ago

You can actually just bootstrap with a shebang script