numba888 1 day ago

> You may have to euthanize a chicken, likely by hand (literally) via cervical dislocation. It still ranks among the worst things I've ever had to do in my life.

Traditionally it's done by decapitation. Head dies instantly. No need to suffer. Body runs for a while. Don't forget to ask for forgiveness...

arkey 1 day ago

If you properly dislocate it (thus severing the nerve) it doesn't even get to twitch. In theory it's slightly cleaner and better even for the chicken.

It does require a bit of technique though, and the consequences of not doing it right at first can be very upsetting.

dotancohen 1 day ago

That's what cervical dislocation is. The cervix is the neck. You're dislocating the head from the body, via the neck.

raisedbyninjas 1 day ago

AFAICT, biologists didn't screw up and give two different body parts the same name. Neck bones are called cervical vertebrae.

fransje26 1 day ago

> Don't forget to ask for forgiveness

And thank them for their help and for providing you with food.