When gasoline was leaded, cigarette smoke was normal everywhere, and asbestos was used for everything you can think of? It is a fascinating decade but also quality of life likely has skyrocketed since.
Depends on what you value. Purchasing power of wages has declined, for example. That's probably not better.
I suspect the sentiment is more that it would be nice to live in a simpler time, with fewer options, because it would reduce anxiety we all feel about not being able to "keep up" with everything that is going on. Or maybe I'm just projecting.
it is fascinating to consider that this might not be true even though it seems true
> quality of life likely has skyrocketed since
it hasn't
Is that an objective truth or rose-tinted nostalgia speaking? (I wouldn't know, I wasn't alive then.)
I survived cancer because of modern medical advances.
I'll take the world with Rituxan and CAR T-cell therapy, thank you.