As others have noted, the appview is open source. The dataplane has two implementations, one in postgres and another in scylla. The scylla dataplane is closed, the postgres one is open.
The interesting next stage for the postgres implementation is to create a sync engine for partial syncs of the network, so that an appview can run affordably. We ran some benches on the current state of the postgres implementation and found we could index 300k users on a $100/mo vps. I think with a couple of weeks of optimization that could reach 1mm users.
This is great to hear—my current understanding of the most recent state of the art on the topic is which mentions that the self-hosted appview is not yet open source. So I'm glad to hear the situation has changed in the past 3 months.
It was open source (except the Scylla database layer) from the beginning, AFAIK - that blog post just says that they haven't set it up yet, because that's the hardest part to run