matt-p 4 hours ago

Google doesn't put GCP compute inside Equinx Slough. I could perhaps believe if they have a cage of routers and perhaps even CDN boxes/Edge, but no general cloud compute.

Google and AWS will put routers inside Equinx Slough sure, but that's literally written on the tin, and the only way a carrier hotel could work.

chatmasta 4 hours ago

Then why do they obfuscate the location of their servers? If they were all in Google datacenters, why not let me see where my VM is?

achierius 4 hours ago

Security reasons, I presume? Otherwise it would be trivial for an adversary to map out their resources by sampling VM rentals over a moderate time-period.

lostlogin 3 hours ago

I’m very naive on the subject here - what advantage would this give someone?

chupasaurus 2 hours ago

The knowledge of blast radii.

jazzyjackson 2 hours ago

Gives whole new meaning to “reverse engineering”

chupasaurus 1 hour ago

Well, the alternative name for it is "backwards engineering" for a reason.