> At the same time a significant chunk of the population works to defund and defang all government, preventing the existing rules and codes - labor protections, fire protections, food safety protections, etc. - from being adequately monitored and enforced.
This isn't helped by actual bad rules and regulations on the books. Some minor examples are the prop 95 warnings on every damn thing or the way CAFE standards work to encourage the sale of more pickup trucks. I don't blame some people for wanting to scrap the whole regulatory system after encountering enough of these.
>I don't blame some people
You should. Just because something is imperfect doesn't make it bad. Should the truck loophole be closed? Yes. Has CAFE improved every other class of vehicle? Yes.
>I don't blame some people for wanting to scrap the whole regulatory system after encountering enough of these.
Regulation can used to save lives and improve outcomes, but it can also be used to suppress competitors or favor a particular business practice and stifle innovation.