hnburnsy 1 day ago

Not just the rates are managed, but also deductibles. I'd gladly have a 5 figure deductble to keep my or miums lower, but regulators think this is unfair to some.

forgetfreeman 1 day ago

Given over half of all households in the country have less than $20k in savings I'd say concerns over equality of access may be well founded. Edit: No? The poors can go fuck themselves? Alright then I guess.

hnburnsy 22 hours ago

How does just offering higher deductibles, hurt the 'poors'? Nobody said do away with lower deductibles. Are you saying they are not sophisticated enough to understand a proper deductible for their situation?

consp 20 hours ago

Higher deductibles generally lead to a lower overall money pool raising overall prices. They allowed that here in a far more regulated market and the effect was about 4pct higher prizes across the board. Effectively the people who cannot afford the higher deductibles are subsidizing the ones who can as the end result.

forgetfreeman 21 hours ago

How does offering a deductible ranged well outside what the majority of households in the US can actually pay hurt anyone? If that isn't self-explanatory I'm not sure what to tell you.