noufalibrahim 1 month ago

No phones or SM accounts for kids till they turn 18. Yes, there's a "fear" of being an outcast but they work their way around that quickly and if they have other things to spend time on, they'll be fine. The "need" for social media is mostly FOMO.

ta1243 1 month ago

Do you have kids in double digits?

Our senior schools (from age 11, "6th grade" in US term) literally mandate a phone (not a computer, an actual phone) for school, both to use in class and to receive homework assignments.

iforgot22 1 month ago

That's ok, they can borrow a parent's phone.

firejake308 1 month ago

In class though?

noufalibrahim 1 month ago

I'd be very concerned if a school relied on a smart phone even for class work.

ta1243 1 month ago

Yet it's quite normal - at least in the three schools I know about

noufalibrahim 1 month ago

Yes. I have kids. I'm not in the US. My kids school sends homework using an app. I get it on my phone, take printouts etc. and my kids get the work done.

slantaclaus 1 month ago

No phones period is stupid. Just get them a jitterbug or a startac

noufalibrahim 1 month ago

We have a basic feature phone at home which they take if they're going out just to stay in touch/emergencies etc. They don't have phones unsupervised at all times.

calvinmorrison 1 month ago

Star tacs don't work anymore, of course. Any alternative?