pcblues 1 month ago

I'm probably old, but still curious. You seem to have so many social contact routes on your website but I couldn't find an email address. Did I miss it?

I try to limit my contact routes to as few as possible so I don't have to process so many interruptions.

I have a twitter link on my website, so that may cater for people who don't use email any more :)

palata 1 month ago

> I have a twitter link on my website, so that may cater for people who don't use email any more :)

I wouldn't consider Twitter a replacement for email, though. The one thing about email is that everyone must have one. It's the one common denominator, and I believe it is the reason why email is still a thing.

Twitter, on the other hand... I mean just the fact that you apparently refuse to use the new name says a thing or two about what you think about it, right?

rickcarlino 1 month ago

I don’t directly link my email, but people still find it pretty easily because I’m not trying too hard to hide it. Even the folks who can’t find my email managed to get a hold of me quite easily. I am not famous enough to be at a point where people wanting to talk to me is a distraction. I even have a Calendly page if people really want to hop on a call with me. I probably get five requests a year which is not unreasonable.