locallost 10 hours ago

Yes, that's really funny. But even funnier, I can't think of a 1-1 English word, and even Google translate gives me tariff. It's actually just "price", but in the context of these kinds of services, could be also something like "tier" (but not to be confused with the German Tier :-)).

ghaff 8 hours ago

I’m not sure the meanings are really different. It’s just that tariff usually refers to import duties in the US.

People arguing that’s the only US meaning are just wrong though

locallost 5 hours ago

But that's normal for languages, the meaning of a word can adjust to the point a meaning previously used becomes archaic. It's obvious these two words share the same for lack of a better word gist, but the actual usage diverged later.

namibj 9 hours ago

No, it's not just price, the entire structure of pricing changed.

locallost 5 hours ago

I meant the German word is price, sorry for being unclear.