rob74 10 hours ago

Well actually one meaning of the English word tariff is the same as the German meaning, although it's not as widely used. To quote Wiktionary:

> tariff (plural tariffs)

1. A system of government-imposed duties levied on imported or exported goods; a list of such duties, or the duties themselves.

2. A schedule of rates, fees or prices.

3. (British) A sentence determined according to a scale of standard penalties for certain categories of crime. Hetzner's usage of the word is technically correct™, even though native speakers might not use it in this context.

tyrfing 8 hours ago

It's closer to industry jargon at this point in American English. Search for LTL tariffs, for example, and you'll find a very long list of trucking companies publishing their fees and terms as tariffs.

Symbiote 7 hours ago

It's completely normal usage in Britain.

"I changed electricity provider to one with an EV tariff."