mavhc 5 hours ago

Not disallowed, just they also have to offer an alternative.

Question is why hasn't Australia created a Digital ID system that can prove you're >= 16 years old without giving away other info?

dhx 2 hours ago

In the spirit of "Falsehoods programmers believe in"[1] for human ages:

* Not all people know their age.[2]

* Even if people do know their age they may not have any means to prove their age.[2]

* Even if people know their age, they may know their age only in a calendar system which is ambiguous or with a margin of error.[3]

* Even if people have documentation proving their age, the documentation may provide an approximate age or use a calendar system which is ambiguous or with a margin of error.[3]

* Even if people have documentation proving their age, they may know it to be incorrect.

* People may have multiple documents each nominating a different age.

* People may be reissued with new documents changing their recognised age.

* Even if the government tries to guess someone's unknown age, it's an inexact science and could be revised later.



[3] Example calendar: