chefandy 4 hours ago

> Cooperation works if the potential damage caused by a rouge actor is sufficiently low. Otherwise, it's too easy to sabotage things. This is why we don't want random rouge states to have nukes. AI will give so much leverage to rouge actors that it will significantly shift the game theory in favour of not cooperating.

Governments successfully collectively controlling dangerous things so they don’t fall into the hands of rogue bad actors fundamentally opposes the extreme individualist every-man-for-himself perspective in every conceivable way. It’s the absolute opposite of “it’s everybody’s responsibility to protect themselves because everybody else is only going to look out for themselves.”

And when individuals have that much leverage, collective action is the only conceivable way to oppose it. Some of those things might be cultural, like mores, some might be laws, some might be more martial. I don’t see how extreme individualism even theoretically could be more powerful.

uh_uh 3 hours ago

Are you suggesting government action against putting up code like this to GitHub? It’s ok if you are, but I want to put into more concrete terms what we’re talking about.