emeryberger 7 hours ago

In addition to being a faculty member at UMass Amherst, I am an Amazon Scholar, working at Amazon Web Services, where this work was conducted.

ycombinatrix 7 hours ago

how come it isn't hosted under the official aws organization? https://github.com/aws

emeryberger 7 hours ago

Can’t honestly remember the details! But it’s very much an AWS-owned org.

bsimpson 7 hours ago

I was part of a skunkworks project at eBay a decade ago. eBay's OSPO was pretty loose at the time. We made our own eBay org to release our stuff under, with their blessing. They linked to our projects from their site.

We've all since left, and eBay's OSPO has churned too. Some years ago, I ended up with a giant undismissible banner on every GitHub page that the org we made has been "flagged." Apparently someone at modern eBay saw that we used the eBay logo and threw a trademark fit about it.

GitHub's support is perhaps the most useless I've ever encountered. They take months to reply to an issue, and there's no notification system. They expect you to constantly check your issue to see if they've replied, and they'll close it if you don't reply to their arbitrarily timed messages promptly.

GitHub Support basically told me to fuck myself. They didn't care that it was sanctioned by eBay at the time we made it. They didn't care that I showed them the obsolete eBay OSPO repo that linked to our org. They gave me no avenue to talk to anyone to get it resolved, nor did they give me any way to dismiss the banner.

Unless I want to write a Chrome extension to dismiss it, my GH session will forever have a black mark that I took a contract at vintage eBay, that modern eBay forgot about and sicked itself on.