I’m so curious how big Deepseek’s R1-lite is in comparison to this. The Deepseek R1-lite one has been really good so I really hope it’s about the same size and not MoE.
Also I find it interesting how they’re doing a OwO face. Not gonna lie, it’s a fun name.
I’d be surprised if theirs isn’t MoE
Then again with the way consumer ram is trending moe might end up more favourable for us
Forgot about R1, what hardware are you using to run it?
I haven’t ran QWQ yet, but it’s a 32B. So about 20GB RAM with Q4 quant. Closer to 25GB for the 4_K_M one. You can wait for a day or so for the quantized GGUFs to show up (we should see the Q4 in the next hour or so). I personally use Ollama on an MacBook Pro. It usually takes a day or two for it to show up. Any M series MacBook with 32GB+ of RAM will run this.