Do static sites built with sphinx-build or jupyter-book or hugo or other jamstack static site generators work with TeaTime?
There may need to be a different Builder or an extension of sphinxcontrib.serializinghtml.JSONHTMLBuilder which serializes a doctree (basically a DOM document object model) to the output representation:
datasette and datasette-lite can load CSV, JSON, Parquet, and SQLite databases; supports Full-Text Search; and supports search Faceting. datasette-lite is a WASM build of datasette with the pyodide python distribution.
datasette-lite > Loading SQLite databases:
jupyter-lite is a WASM build of jupyter which also supports sqlite in notebooks in the browser with `import sqlite3` with the python kernel and also with a sqlite kernel:
xeus-sqlite-kernel > "Loading SQLite databases from a remote URL"
%FETCH <url> <filename>
xlite.cpp > void fetch(const std::string url, const std::string filename)
> Do static sites built with sphinx-build or jupyter-book or hugo or other jamstack static site generators work with TeaTime?
I guess it depends on what you mean by "work with TeaTime". TeaTime itself is a static site, generated using Nuxt. Nothing that it does cannot be achieved with another stack - at the end it's just HTML, CSS and JS. I haven't tried sphinx-build or jupyter-book, but there isn't a technical reason why Hugo wouldn't be able to build a TeaTime like website, using the same databases.
> datasette-lite > Loading SQLite databases:
I haven't seen datasette before. What are the biggest benefits you think it has over sql.js-httpvfs (which I'm using now)? Is it about the ability to also use other formats, in addition to SQLite? I got the impression that sql.js-httpvfs was a bit more of a POC, and later some possibly better solutions came out, but I haven't really went that rabbit hole to figure out which one would be best.
Edit: looking a little more into datasette-lite, it seems like one of the nice benefits of sql.js-httpvfs is that it doesn't download the whole SQLite database in order to query it. This makes it possible have a 2GB database but still read it in chunks, skipping around efficiently until you find your data.