carlosjobim 20 hours ago

I didn't know we were talking about "most people". They will do whatever their government tells them to do: hand over any property the government demands, and send their children to the trenches to die.

If you want a solution for most people, the solution is to not have a communist government or any other government that will confiscate your wealth.

If you want a solution for yourself, it is bullion and/or foreign currency. If the government declares their own currency as being illegal to hold, then that currency now has a value of 0. For you and for everybody else. If they declare foreign currency as being illegal to hold, that only has implications within the country. And the black market does not care about borders.

int_19h 11 hours ago

If most people won't take your dollars/gold/... because they fear getting caught, then what use is it to you? You won't be able to spend it. There were actually people like that in early Soviet days, guys who managed to preserve a stash of their former wealth, but without the ability to use it meaningfully.

The best mitigation you have for that kind of government is having a ticket out.