scoofy 14 hours ago

My objection to strong types in python is philosophical. Python mimics natural language, and natural language rejects strong types for context resolved ambiguity.

In the way we resolve these issues in natural language, we can resolve bugs in python, that is, “do you mean integer ’3’ or string’3’” instead of insisting we define everything always forever.

To me, people who use type hinting are just letting me know they have written code that doesn’t check in line.

maleldil 9 hours ago

> people who use type hinting are just letting me know they have written code that doesn’t check in line.

Yes, that's the point. We use typing so the type checker can find the mistakes for us instead of adding `isinstance` everywhere.

stoperaticless 10 hours ago

Strong/weak types and static/dynamic typing are orthogonal things.

Strong type system limits things like 1+”1”.

Static type system requires type declarations (“int i”).

Python always had strong dynamic types.

orf 11 hours ago

Python has always been strongly typed, since the very beginning.

The article and the feature has nothing to do with strong types.