OrderlyTiamat 2 months ago

> > That type of pedantry is why people make fun of the free software movement.

> "source code free to see and to modify (and redistribute, if applicable)"

You have to see the humor in putting both of these in the same comment, right? That's a prime example of what they're talking about!

feikname 2 months ago

As I said, it's not the pedantry that gets the free software movement to be made fun of, its the overloading of terms and then having to overly explain them.

Creative Commons is very clear in its license and it - rightfully - doesn't get as much complaint as open-source evangelists about its lingo.

Having to say "but technically a product is anything that is produced" to go against a expected reading and then complain about pedantry in the same comment is way more humorous as it's a prime example of what they're talking about.