authorfly 19 hours ago

Problem is eventually you need it for Google Ads, or YouTube really for many things. And none of them are "vital" if they go wrong. They aren't core income pipeline parts. And then you get sucked in.

B2B and go to a conference? Where are you putting your video demo reels/talks? YouTube

Consumer and testing marketing messages for something non-consumer? Google Ads.

Your B2B client wants you to provide your SaaS via a private endpoint on GCP? What else are you going to do than use GCP?

Then once you are on it on company computers, it's a short walk to Google Docs and then Google Workspace, etc.

southernplaces7 15 hours ago

Needing Google occasionally is understandable but keeping it to a minimum and as disconnected as possible from core business functionality, and as replaceable as possible if things go sideways with its brainless algorithms, is absolutely doable.

Please, enough justification for why almost anyone generally "needs" Google.

For example:

>B2B and go to a conference? Where are you putting your video demo reels/talks? YouTube

Really? Simply no alternatives exist? I guess Vimeo is just a curious internet legend.

>Your B2B client wants you to provide your SaaS via a private endpoint on GCP? What else are you going to do than use GCP?

So explain to the client why you prefer not to use Google, but if they insist, then keep it specific to them and avoid it for anything generally essential to your business. You state this as if nearly a dozen alternatives to Google Cloud don't exist.

>Then once you are on it on company computers, it's a short walk to Google Docs and then Google Workspace, etc.

Don't take that short walk then, take another one instead.

The point is that alternative solutions do usually exist and even where Google becomes unavoidable, it absolutely shouldn't mean having to fully embrace its services.