anthonybsd 2 months ago

>Often you'd need production, staging, test, development, something like that.

Normally in K8s, segregating environments is done via namespaces, not clusters (unless there are some very specific resource constraints).

Elidrake24 2 months ago

Which in many cases would break SOC2 compliance (co-mingling of development and customer resources), and even goes against the basic advice offered in the K8s manual. Beyond that, this limits your ability to test Control Plane upgrades against your stack, though that has generally been very stable in my experience.

To be clear I'm not defending the 47 Cluster setup of the OP, just the practice of separating Development/Production.

withinboredom 2 months ago

Why would you commingle development and customer resources? A k8s cluster is just a control plane, that specifically controls where things are running, and if you specify they can’t share resources, that’s the end of that.

If you say they share the same control plane is commingling… then what do you think a cloud console is? And if you are using different accounts there… then I hope you are using dedicated resources for absolutely everything in prod (can’t imagine what you’d pay for dedicated s3, sqs) because god forbid those two accounts end up on the same machine. Heh, you are probably violating compliance and didn’t even know it!

Sigh. I digress.

_hl_ 2 months ago

The frustrating thing with SOC2, or pretty much most compliance requirements, is that they are less about what’s “technically true”, and more about minimizing raised eyebrows.

It does make some sense though. People are not perfect, especially in large organizations, so there is value in just following the masses rather than doing everything your own way.

withinboredom 2 months ago

Yes. But it also isn’t a regulation. It is pretty much whatever you say it is.

bigfatkitten 2 months ago

The problem is you need to be able to convince the auditor that your controls meet the requirement. That's a much easier discussion to have with robust logical or physical separation.

bigfatkitten 2 months ago

> And if you are using different accounts there

Which for separating dev and prod, you absolutely should be.

(Separate accounts for AWS; separate projects would suffice for GCP.)

bdndndndbve 2 months ago

I would want to have at least dev + prod clusters, sometimes people want to test controllers or they have badly behaved workloads that k8s doesn't isolate well (making lots of giant etcd objects). You can also test k8s version upgrades in non-prod.

That said it sounds like these people just made a cluster per service which adds a ton of complexity and loses all the benefits of k8s.

withinboredom 2 months ago

In this case, I use a script to spin up another production cluster, perform my changes, and send some traffic to it. If everything looks good, we shift over all traffic to the new cluster and shutdown the old one. Easy peasy. Have you turned your pets into cattle only to create a pet ranch?

mmcnl 2 months ago

Sometimes there are requirements to separate clusters on the network level.

marcosdumay 2 months ago

You always want lots of very specific resource constraints between those.

nwatson 2 months ago

The constraint often would be regulatory. Even if technically isolation is possible, management won't risk SOC2 or GDPR non-compliance.

Zambyte 2 months ago

SOC2 is voluntary, not regulatory.

bigfatkitten 2 months ago

It's not voluntary if your customers have signed contracts with you on the basis that you gain and maintain that certification. And if they haven't, you shouldn't have wasted your money.