> "the turtles are metaphors"
:( The turtles were real, not metaphorical: http://classicacorn.computinghistory.org.uk/8bit_focus/logo/...
(it fits the definition of metaphor 'One thing conceived as representing another; a symbol' but it has the feel of people saying "my niece thought the floppy disk save icon is a refrigerator because that's where you save leftover food" not realising that it was a real piece of fun/cute hardware many moons ago).
I don't think that what's displayed on that page is a "real" turtle...
It is a real “turtle”, however.
Ha! You never know when you are going to run into a point-of-view that would be on the fast track to 'closed as off-topic' if anyone asked a question about it on the philosophy stack exchange.