rootlocus 2 months ago

> Then you'd add an additional cluster for running auxiliary service, this is services that has special network access or are not related to you "main product". Maybe a few of these. Still there's a long way to 47.

Why couldn't you do that with a dedicated node pool, namespaces, taints and affinities? This is how we run our simulators and analytics within the same k8s cluster.

mrweasel 2 months ago

You could do a dedicated node pool and limit the egress to those nodes, but it seems simpler, as in someone is less likely to provision something incorrect, by having a separate cluster.

In my experience companies do not trust Kubernetes to the same extend as they'd trust VLANs and VMs. That's probably not entirely fair, but as you can see from many of the other comments, people find managing Kubernetes extremely difficult to get right.

For some special cases you also have regulatory requirements that maybe could be fulfilled by some Kubernetes combination of node pools, namespacing and so on, but it's not really worth the risk.

From dealing with clients wanting hosted Kubernetes, I can only say that 100% of them have been running multiple clusters. Sometimes for good reason, other times because hosting costs where per project and it's just easier to price out a cluster, compared to buying X% of the capacity on an existing cluster.

One customer I've worked with even ran an entire cluster for a single container, but that was done because no one told the developers to not use that service as an excuse to play with Kubernetes. That was its own kind of stupid.