Right, there's something odd about this. That image from 2022 of a person's legs [Kiberphant0m?] in army fatigues ought to be a dead giveaway. For starters why would anyone be stupid enough to do that, second I'd recon the floor pattern alone might be enough to reveal the person, again why do that? Surely those involved would have have thought of that? Alternately they're on the room-temperature side of dumb.
Of course, that doesn't include the image being a ruse for other schema.
> why would anyone be stupid enough to do that
To prove their "credentials" that they are a real world "though guy", in the hopes of gaining social clout in among their peers.
Same reason why some posts classified information on Discord or War Thunder.
> Alternately they're on the room-temperature side of dumb.
When combined with the uses the claimed for their botnet, the person we're talking about leaves an impression of having emotional maturity of a 10 year old.
So, you might not be very far when it comes to non-technical skills.