> If people don't engage with your content in the first 3 seconds, it's worthless.
Is that based on a vigorous experience as a content creator on TikTok as a long form content creator or are you going off what you've heard about TikTok, or it's what your feed is full of? (which says more about you/your feed than it does about TikTok)
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTYheCgBq/ 1.1 M views
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTYhephfK/ 1.2 M views
or for some more niche stuff which isn't "BIIIG NEWS!! LABOR DAY BREAKFAST GOES HAYWIRE!!!" level of intro:
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTYheTVsh/ 54.6 k views
36.3 k views
416 k views
This voice-over definitely isn't going for attention grabbing
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTYhe7qTT/ 16 k views
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTYhdmJxq/ 64 k views
okay finally found something that's 5 mins long https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTYhdAfNj/ 270 k views
All of those immediately have something attention-grabbing within the first few seconds: picture of Mars' surface, run map showing funny human shape, text with "Gen Z programmers are crazy" prefacing the anecdote, going immediately into the IT-related rap, guy holding a big and cool-looking stick, "dealing with your 10x coworker" immediately showing the point of the video. The only one that doesn't is the SQL one I guess but that's a very low view count (relatively) on a niche channel.
So thanks for providing a bunch of examples that prove my point, I guess?
none of them are breathless "BIIIG NEWS!! LABOR DAY BREAKFAST GOES HAYWIRE!!!" attention demanding within the first three seconds imo, but, sure, whatever, you're totally right
I've never used tiktok and this post was... enlightening. The ClickUP HR guys are actually pretty funny... but wtf is this from that first channel you posted... lol? https://www.tiktok.com/@luckypassengers/video/74395775119539... - I mean, she's not wrong.