JohnMakin 2 months ago

What are the significant differentiators? I have worked much of a decade in the cloud infrastructure space, and from the POV of a business owner, AWS is such a stupidly superior product that I could not even imagine considering the alternatives. Google offers mostly AWS products but "googleized," and their support is practically nonexistent. Microsoft support isn't as bad, but their products are unreliable at best (from my view) and what differentiators they do have, which to me is better support for MS products in general don't really matter to me or my business at all.

These are the big 3 so the only ones I mentioned. I know alibaba/yandex/digitalocean/etc exist but lack as much experience with them so only commented on the big 3.

bhouston 2 months ago

I've used both AWS and Google Cloud. I prefer Google Cloud myself and especially Google Cloud Run - which I've written about here: