For the record I was not being sarcastic but maybe I was feeling a bit too romantic or overly supportive of OP
I notice prior HN comments of yours mention the physical design of the NeXT cube. I cannot say it will make you not hate software, but you still might appreciate that another alternative ls,, both re-thinks/breaks more radically with ls-tradition and adapts well to something very similar to a terminal variant of the used in the NeXT file tree graphical browser/navigator via simple shell process substitution composition. E.g., a 3-level scenario on an 80-column looks like:
paste <(lc -1m25 ../..) <(lc -1m25 ..) <(lc -1m25 .)
Some shell script that uses $((COLUMNS)) arithmetic to do 2 or 4 or whatever terminal width is a pretty simple exercise for the reader and one might want to pipe to less.