I love how they’re pretending to be champions of open source while leaving this gem in their terms of use
“”” You may not access or use, or help another person to access or use, our Services in the following ways: … To develop any products or services that compete with our Services, including to develop or train any artificial intelligence or machine learning algorithms or models. “””
Presumably this doesn't apply to the standard being released here, nor any of its implementations made available. Each of these appears to have its own permissible license.
OpenAI and many other companies have virtually the same language in their T&Cs.
OpenAI says, "[You may not] Use Output to develop models that compete with OpenAI." That feels more narrow than Anthropic's blanket ban on any machine learning development.
Eh the actual MCP repos seem to just be MIT licensed; AFAIK every AI provider has something similar for their core services as they do.
I think open-sourcing your tech for the common person while leaving commercial use behind a paywall or even just against terms is completely acceptable, no?