ianbutler 2 months ago

I’m glad they're pushing for standards here, literally everyone has been writing their own integrations and the level of fragmentation (as they also mention) and repetition going into building the infra around agents is super high.

We’re building an in terminal coding agent and our next step was to connect to external services like sentry and github where we would also be making a bespoke integration or using a closed source provider. We appreciate that they have mcp integrations already for those services. Thanks Anthropic!

bbor 2 months ago

I've been implementing a lot of this exact stuff over the past month, and couldn't agree more. And they even typed the python SDK -- with pydantic!! An exciting day to be an LLM dev, that's for sure. Will be immediately switching all my stuff to this (assuming it's easy to use without their starlette `server` component...)

nichochar 2 months ago

As someone building a client which needs to sync with a local filesystem (repo) and database, I cannot emphasize how wonderful it is that there is a push to standardize. We're going to implement this for https://srcbook.com