palata 4 days ago

> a few days ago, my feedback to the CTO was

Did he completely change course because of your feedback?

stavros 4 days ago

It's only been one working day since, but, knowing him and the rest of the senior leadership team, I do expect a large correction.

palata 4 days ago

Right. But you mentioned feedback you gave that was followed. Do you have examples?

stavros 4 days ago

I've told the CTO that he needs to push the CEO for some specific things I've needed, that he needs to be more assertive with certain issues, that he shouldn't talk to the teams I'm running because he confuses them, and many other instances like that. He's followed feedback every time I gave it, usually immediately.

I try to do the same when my reports give me feedback, and they've also been satisfied with it. Most recently, I was told I shouldn't abstract things too quickly, which was good advice, and following it has gotten good results.