lumb63 5 days ago

I’m astounded by how plain and round the visible light images are. Why is the corona only visible in the UV images, if it is, according to the article, visible from earth?

sega_sai 5 days ago

Corona is very hot (millions of degrees) as opposed to 6000 of the Sun's surface, therefore it has higher contrast over Sun's surface if you go to shorter wavelengths. The reason corona is still visible from Earth is because it you mask the main solar disk (during the eclipse).

willis936 5 days ago

It might be that the surface is much brighter in visible light than the corona rather than the corona emits no visible light (as anyone who witnessed the recent total solar eclipse can attest). Since the corona is made up of rarefied high energy particles I would expect it to emit less total, but more short wavelength light.

cruffle_duffle 5 days ago

I’m guessing they mask out the edges. Maybe for exposure reasons or something?