Hello everyone,
I'm excited to introduce you to my project—Logo Spark (https://logospark.starta.trade), a website designed to help users create logos quickly. Logo design is often a time-consuming and complex process, but Logo Spark aims to simplify this workflow, making creativity and brand building more efficient.
1. Fast Generation: Just input your ideas, and Logo Spark will attempt to understand your concepts and quickly generate 16 different logos for you to choose from in about 10 seconds. 2. Diverse Styles: We support a variety of styles to ensure you can find a logo that matches your brand's identity. 3. Iterative Optimization: If the initial results don't meet your expectations, you can continue to generate a new set of 16 logos or enrich your description and regenerate.
Currently, Logo Spark generates logos in about 10 seconds, but I'm working on optimizations with the goal of reducing the generation time to 3-5 seconds to provide even faster service.
I am looking forward to everyone's guidance and feedback. Logo Spark is fully operational, and you can visit our website to try generating logos for your brand or project. Any suggestions you have will be crucial for our product improvements.
Thank you to the HN community, and I look forward to engaging with you all!
Existing users have already received 10 usage credits. New users who register will receive 5 usage credits upon their first login.
Thank you all for your support. We are currently working hard to enhance our logo-style interaction system.
- The site is highjacking the scroll bar in a strange way, it's disturbing.
- The testimonials are fake obviously.
- You should clearly show the different styles that your site can do.
- What's a "credit"? It's not clearly explained.
- The TOS says you can upload photos but the front page show a ChatGPT interface, which one is it?
- Last but not least, who owns the rights to those logos? Do you even own the rights to the training data?
> you grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, display, and process your photos
> imbued with a level of creativity that surpasses traditional design methods
I second this.
Also i would like to add:
You bring up a text input box implying I can try your product - Well I input the text once, click submit and I am being met with a logon screen. Ok sure let me log in, annoying but it is common bs practice. Now I need to input my idea again, already bad but fine lets go. Now - after I login, and input my idea not once, but twice - I understand that in order to even try the product I need to actually pay! You need to make this clear before letting me jump through hoops.
If you are going to put an input box and a submit button, make sure those are functional and not a trap to lure people in to give you money or their mailing address. Either give one free generation or make it ot clear before sign up that money is needed to generate anything. That is an instant block from my inbox account plus a very strongly worded response right here.
Thank you very much for your attempt, and I apologize for my rudeness.
I am preparing to add clear payment reminders on the login, registration, and usage interfaces as a temporary solution, and as compensation, all registered users will currently receive 10 free trial opportunities.
You should now see that your credits have increased.
I apologize again for the bad experience brought to everyone, and I am fixing the related website issues.
- Testimonials have been removed.
- TOS was updated. I have temporarily removed some incorrect statements. As I am not well-versed in compliance, I am seeking assistance from a third party.
- Regarding copyright issues of digital content, I hope the industry can provide best practices. Currently, I hope that AI-designed logos can inspire users in their design process rather than being used directly.
Other issues have been partially optimized, and I will continue to devote more time. Thank you for your rich experience and patient guidance.
Thank you for your criticism and correction. I feel ashamed for rushing the website online and making obvious mistakes.
I am beginning to address these issues.