ianbooker 2 months ago

Great work, it really captures the feeling of Marble Madness. Its maybe to deep of a thought, but I really fancy the spin of the marble, something that the original was not conveying as fancy as your version does.

guigui 2 months ago

Thank you. The physics engine we're using (Rapier) really does most of the work to make the spin of the marble look realistic. But we spent quite some time tweaking the controls to make them as enjoyable as we could.

forth_throwaway 2 months ago

The marble has the perfect amount of friction, I'm able to "drift" around corners which feels really nice.

worldsayshi 2 months ago

You did a great job. The physics seems about as enjoyable as those of Rocket League and they must've have spent a considerably larger effort.

sergiotapia 2 months ago

the "feel" is tremendous, S-tier for real.

dole 2 months ago

As a MM fan, I wanted to second this. Great work, engaging enough to make me finish it and wish there were more mechanics like the catapults and enemies.