TeMPOraL 6 days ago

> While I think they're both wrong, a lot of people seem to think they can do abstract reasoning for symbols or symbol-like structures without having to use formal logic for every step.


I don't know bout incompleteness theorem, but I'd say it's pretty obvious (both in introspection and in observation of others) that people don't naturally use formal logic for anything, they only painstakingly emulate it when forced to.

If anything, "next token prediction" seems much closer to how human thinking works than anything even remotely formal or symbolic that was proposed before.

As for hardcoding things in world models, one thing that LLMs do conclusively prove is that you can create a coherent system capable of encoding and working with meaning of concepts without providing anything that looks like explicit "meaning". Meaning is not inherent to a term, or a concept expressed by that term - it exists in the relationships between an the concept, and all other concepts.

ben_w 6 days ago

> I don't know bout incompleteness theorem, but I'd say it's pretty obvious (both in introspection and in observation of others) that people don't naturally use formal logic for anything, they only painstakingly emulate it when forced to.

Indeed, this is one reason why I assert that Wittgenstein was wrong about the nature of human thought when writing:

"""If there were a verb meaning "to believe falsely," it would not have any significant first person, present indicative."""

Sure, it's logically incoherent for us to have such a word, but there's what seems like several different ways for us to hold contradictory and incoherent beliefs within our minds.

trashtester 6 days ago

... but I'd say it's pretty obvious (both in introspection and in observation of others) that people don't naturally use formal logic for anything ...

Yes. But some place too much confidence in how "rational" their intuition is, including some of the most intelligent minds the world has seen.

Specifically, many operate as if their intuition (that they treat as completely rational) has some kind of supernatural/magic/divine origin, including many who (imo) SHOULD know better.

While I think (like you do) that this intuition has a lot in common with LLM's and other NN architectures than pure logic, or even the scientific method.