A few people here have suggested I start a blog. I also needed a place to put the less unworthy of the photos I take. So I did that. You can find it at https://aaron-m.com, and I hope you'll stop by! (It's a little^W^Watrociously stale these days. But there's still some stuff there.)
Joined HN: 9 years ago Karma: 18586 Reach me at [email protected].
If I'm talking about a place and haven't mentioned which one, it's Baltimore.
Statements are mine, no one else's.
[ my public key: https://keybase.io/aaronem; my proof: https://keybase.io/aaronem/sigs/WT2svrze1oRx2rIgLoiX2G-3QxOdhwPe_8C1zpqlFrU ]